About Me

About Me, Myself and I.

Find out more information about myself here.


Portrait of me (2018)


Hi! My name is Sherwin Ee. I'm currently pursuing a Diploma in Infocomm Security Management in Singapore Polytechnic.

Photo of me mountain biking

Me mountain biking


Mountain Biking is a favourite sport of mine. I started it in 2014 on a friend's bike and then bought my own in 2015. I enjoy riding trails in the jungle as it is peaceful and away from the city. I can take time off to relax, catch up with friends and have some (strenuous and dangerous) exercise.

I also like to play online games with friends in my free time. This kept our friendship from dying and we still hangout almost every weekend even though we graduated in 2016. Hanging out with friends is also another hobby of mine.

kindergarten graduation picture

Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten and Primary School

I started my education at Nanyang Kindergarten until 2006 when I completed K2. I then headed to Nanyang Primary School. During my primary school, I started off doing well in my exams in lower primary. However, things changed when i reached upper primary. My results slowly worsened and my motivation to study and do well went down as well. Being in a top school meant everything was more difficult and so i struggled. I finally graduated in 2012 with a PSLE T-Score of 193. Which meant I had a choice of going to the Express or Normal Academic stream. However, due to my DSA application, I was able to enrol into the express stream in West Spring Secondary School even though their cut-off score was 222.

award ceremony picture

Secondary School

After enrolling in secondary school, i joined the AVA Club, which handle large audio and visual equipment every morning assembly and during events. In the first term, I worked hard to try to cope with the express stream. However, after the first term, i just could not cope with the curriculum as i had to juggle 8 or 9 subjects at a fast pace. this led to me being laterally transferred to Secondary 2 N(A). I accepted the schools decision as i thought it would mean i can learn at a slower pace and i can cope better.

The first few days were a little difficult, everyone in the class knew each other except for me. It was a different kind of stress from studying. However, I began to make new friends in no time. The slower pace also meant that I can also focus more on my CCA, AVA Club, which i enjoy. I worked my way to be the Vice President of the club at the end of Secondary 2 and then the President in Secondary 3. Secondary 3 was also the year that i began to work hard again in order to do well for my GCE N levels in Sec 4. I balanced studies and CCA well and eventually graduated with a GCE N level aggregate of 6 points, which meant i am eligible for the Polytechnic Foundation Programme(PFP). I chose SP's Infocomm Security Management as my first choice and i got in under PFP.

PFP class photo


I began my polytechnic life a year ahead of Year One. PFP helped prepare me for my diploma course in the following year instead of taking O levels. It was a perfect choice i made as it did indeed prepare me well. Close friendships were formed and we attended the LEAP camp together. I graduated from PFP in march of 2018 and then proceeded to Year 1 of my diploma course, which i am currently at. I subsequently joined SP Stage Management in year 1 to continue upgrading my skills learned from AVA Club in Secondary school.